Monday, June 20, 2011

{Bennett} Little Rock Arkansas Newborn Photographer

This little chunk was so sweet.  He was wide eyed and bushy tailed for the longest time.  I rocked and rocked and rocked him; and he finally crashed.  Once he finally fell asleep he let me move him and he never woke up.  It was so nice.  I just love his name; Bennett.  He is so cute with the dimple in his chin.

Bennett had really bad acne.  I was able to take care of it with a little TLC in photoshop.  Here is the difference.  This is an example of what can be done in photography, and why you pay good money to have pictures.  People always ask why photography costs so much.  My answer is because I put a lot of love in to each picture. 




Bennett 2edit

This love was taken with each and every picture.


Mommy's hands bw

Bennett 9 with name 2



You are loved


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Andrea, Your above post reminded me of a wonderful blog (that is referenced A LOT by other photographers around the country). While I was at it I thought I would also link to some of the most helpful post I keep on hand from various places. ;) Your photography is truly stunning! -J

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